All books, articles, social network contents and blogs in this Virtual Library include works by Josefina Oliver.


- Clarín collection. Escenas de la vida cotidiana. Un siglo de fotografía argentina. 1st edition, October 2017. By Ricardo Kirschbaum.   

- Viva magazine. 8th october 2017, 26th May 2019, 10th November 2019. By Abel Alexander.

Contrastes magazineNumber 35. December 2019/January 2020. By Patricia Viaña.


Viaje de Josefina Oliver al norte argentino en 1941

Ponencia de Patricia Viaña en el Primer Congreso de Historia de la Fotografía del Noroeste Argentino (1939-1989) en el Museo Histórico del Norte, organizado por la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Historia de la Fotografía.

Lithophanes in archeology, or the quest for the fourth dimension for pornography (click to read)

Schavelzon Chavin, Daniel Gaston; Litofanías en arqueología, o la búsqueda de la cuarta dimensión para la pornografía; Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo; Centro de Arqueología Urbana; 1-2014; 1-7.Architect Daniel Schávelzon

Daniel Schavelzon, architect anda director of Centro de Arqueología Urbana.

Archivo Josefina Oliver’s photos illustrate part of this article.

Illuminated Diaries (click to read)

Liliana Parra, photographer.

Article in which the author elaborates her point of view on the aspects of Josefina Oliver's work as a precursor of intervened photography and, specifically, mirror photo.

The Family Tree (click to read)

Laura Palacios, psychoanalyst and writer.

Fictional text inspired by Josefina Oliver's work

Argentinean and Mexicans female photographers from in between centuries: a comparative study based on the cases of Natalia Baquedano and Josefina Oliver (click to read)

Ursula Estrada, doctoral student in History of Arts, UNAM

Tres fotos de Josefina Oliver (click to read)

Laura Palacios, psicoanalista y escritora.

Impresiones literarias de tres fotos específicas.


Woman and Photography: a mirrored image of self-construction and construction of history

Niedermaier, Alejandra; 1st Edition – Buenos Aires: Leviatán – 2008

ISBN : 978-987-514-132-2 

Infancies: Several worlds: Images and Sights upon the Mother Country

1st Edition - Buenos Aires – Walter Benjamin Foundation, Arcor Foundation, 2010

ISBN: 9789872225452

History of Photography

Memory of the 10th Congress of the History of Photography

1st Edition

Chascomús, October, 2014

© Ibero-American Society of Photography History

12th Historical Photographic Conference in Quilmes – Province of Buenos Aires

Lawyers Association of the Judicial Department of Quilmes – Culture Department

Quilmes, 7th September 2013

Yo Josefina Oliver

Viaña, Patricia. 1ª ed., Buenos Aires: 2019. 

ISBN: 978-987-86-0238-7

Click here for more information.

Proyecto Red
Proyecto Red
El var de los amantes Josefina Oliver
El var de los amantes Josefina Oliver
Josefina Oliver, mujer, fotógrafa y pionera Abrir el tiempo
Josefina Oliver, mujer, fotógrafa y pionera Abrir el tiempo
Josefina Oliver Fotos Antiguas de Mallorca
Josefina Oliver Fotos Antiguas de Mallorca
Josefina Oliver Pupa Magazine
Josefina Oliver Pupa Magazine
La Edificadora Heráldica en la Argentina
La Edificadora Heráldica en la Argentina
Patricia en busca de la corbeta Constancia Alta mar
Patricia en busca de la corbeta Constancia Alta mar
Antiguas Fotografías Argentinas
Antiguas Fotografías Argentinas