After the tragic deaths of her grandson, her daughter and her husband in only 5 months along 1940, Josefina resumes, in 1943, her whole work and intertwines it, incorporating photografies and collages in her Diary. Once the diaries are edited, she gives her notebooks to a printing house and achieves ten volumes within a year, by August 1944.
By the end of 1948 and in may 1952 she edits some cutting books together with her diaries. She calls them ‘daubs’, They are made of illustrations, prints and loose cuttings collected from books and magazines, using the collage technique in their composition.
‘(…) Monday 15th – I bought several things, at Peuser a book to paste the Vogue prints la Nena gave me (…). At 6 mate- later the great full started, each of us choosing a print and sticking with great enthusiasm from the girls. - (…) They are two hundred prints of women in wonderful colours. I went to bed at 2.- (…)’ Diary 16, p.095, nov. 1948.
‘(…) Thursday 8th – Nice day I finished pasting an album of interiors (…)’ Diary 17, p.231.
The ‘Book of Curiosities’ edited in 1952, at the age of 77 years, unbound, is the only one that has been found up the present time. A funny and eclectic collection, where she alternates children’s drawings, national and international politics articles, poems, jokes, advertisements, family photos, a posthumous homage to Evita, the traditional Majorcan woman together with the 20th C North American intellectual.
A potpourri with a great deal of freshness which perfectly describes her curiousity for life.